
Phlock is an interactive installation that allows viewers to sequence sounds and create music using the emergent behavior of digital creatures.

Phlock is on display at the Chelsea Art Museum until June 8, 2008

more images after the jump…

Dart Game Prototype

The current Dart Game software in openframeworks.

list of features and outstanding things after the jump.


  • Gravitational Emergent Behavior (based on Steadman Particle Drawing Tool)
  • Infrared Computer Vision Detection (from live & recorded video)
  • Quad Warping of incoming video for camera/projection alignment
  • Vector Field levels generated from Grayscale Images
  • Win-state detection

Outstanding things to do include:

  • Integration of Motion History Dart detection
  • Two-way serial communication with the dartbox prototype.
  • Weighting of Motion History Detection with Piezo Vibration Sensor
  • Integration of Craig Reynolds-style flocking algorithm (ofw demo)
  • A million other things I can’t think of at the moment

Computer Vision Setup

Testing out the new CV setup using blob detection example by stefanix for openframeworks